12 Types of Animation Explainer Videos for your Brand

Did you know that a whopping 94% of people around the world watch videos to understand the products and services of a brand?

84% of these people are often compelled after watching explainer videos to make a buying decision! 

Explainer videos are one of the most common tools used by companies in the consideration stage of a buyer’s journey. Add a twist of animation to your explainers and you have the perfect recipe for refreshing content.

Now, the main task is in choosing the right type of animated explainer video for your brand and campaign. 

Yes, there are different types of animated explainer videos that elicit different reactions from your target audience. You need to choose them based on your target audience’s interests and calibrate them to the marketing funnel.

Before we even discuss the marketing funnel, the first question you might ask is – What is an animated explainer video?

So, let’s unfurl and explain the world of exciting animations, shall we?

What are animated explainer videos?

As the name suggests, animated explainer videos are videos that combine the consumability of the explainer format with the allure of animations. These videos can be created over 2 dimensions or 3 dimensions depending on the requirement. 

Explainer videos perform an excellent job of boosting engagement and increasing dwell time. It’s because these videos are short, informative and very easy to grasp visually. 

A recent study suggested that about 40% of brands that placed explainer videos on their home pages experienced an increase in conversions. Now, this in itself is a staggering stat that must compel you to add explainer videos to your repertoire.

However, before you take a plunge into animated explainer videos, allow us to guide you through the different types –

What are the types of Animated Explainer Videos? 

Often when we talk about animation, we think about cartoon animations. 😐

Well, what if we told you that there is a complete gamut of animated videos for you to choose from? In fact, each type of animated explainer video can produce a different effect.

For instance, whiteboard animations are used differently compared to kinetic graphics. 

Now, there’s nothing to worry about. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list for you to understand the different types of animated explainers to help you make the right choice! 

1. Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics is a very engaging type of animated video. With text as its major component, these graphics are constantly in motion creating a unique visual effect. You need to pay a great amount of attention, especially to the transitions to create a successful Motion Graphics video.

Often Motion Graphics combines charts, graphs and texts to inform and educate your audience. These videos tend to retain the viewers’ attention for a long time due to their ability to provide information in bite sizes. 

When do you use Motion Graphics? 

You would ideally use Motion Graphics to dive straight into the topic without wasting your viewers’ time as textual graphics are the key. Moreover, you would use it to explain complex ideas involving a lot of text.

2.  White Board Animations 

If you are looking for a minimalistic approach for our videos then look no further than whiteboard animations. It is a classic and traditional method that involves creating 2D animations on a clean white background. 

In most cases, the colours used in these videos are white and black which provides a corporate look to the video. These videos help in explaining complex concepts easily and allow concrete communication without much clutter. 

When do you use Whiteboard animations? 

The answer is simple – When you want to primarily focus on the information being conveyed and you know that the message is more effective when the usage of colours is less. 

Optionally, you can add an illustrating hand to create an intriguing effect. It is an excellent choice when creating a video series as it is relatively easy to produce. 

3. Kinetic Typography

Speaking of minimalistic styles, Kinetic Typography is the perfect option to engage your audience purely with fonts. That’s right – Kinetic Typography is an animation style highly dependent on the motion of the text. It doesn’t necessarily require voiceovers and can create a huge impact.

Although this type of animation clearly depends on the message being conveyed. So, you need to be cautious while incorporating this type of video into your strategy. 

When do you use Kinetic Typography? 

Kinetic Typography is an excellent tool while creating commercials, and launching an app, product or website. You can instantly capture your audience’s attention with textual depictions. 

4. Paper and digital cutouts 

Paper Cutouts is a unique animation style that involves creating paper cutouts and setting them in motion with clean backgrounds. They are seldomly deployed by brands. Thus, they can make your brand stand out if they are used strategically. 

Digital cutouts, on the other hand, are elements that are cut out digitally and placed behind artistic backgrounds to provide a clear visual effect. These are advanced versions of the traditional cutouts. 

When to use Paper and Digital Cutouts? 

When you want to create an impact by producing a unique content format with an aesthetic appeal, then paper and digital cutouts are ideal.

What’s more, these are extremely useful in retaining a viewer’s attention. On the flip side, if it is poorly executed these videos can become extremely boring. 

So, you need to use this format with caution.

5. Silhouette Animations 

Next on the list is Silhouette Animations. This is one of the most interesting forms of animation. It uses characters but masks them with shadows. 

It implies that there would be a physical figure involved but the features of the figure would be taken out of context, creating an immersive visual effect. 

When to use Silhouette Animations?  

The ideal usage of Silhouette Animations is when you want to highlight the product and reduce the emphasis on other elements. 

Often, your product may not receive enough limelight due to the excess usage of colours in animations. Fortunately, Silhouette Animation dims the impact on other elements to cast a spotlight on your featured product. 

6. Animated Stick figures

Speaking of placing the emphasis on products and services, Animated Stick Figures are yet another style of animated video that does it effectively. As the name suggests, stick figures are used for animations. It is easy on the eyes and can explain tough concepts in a simple manner. 

What makes these videos special is the fact that it is easy to consume and does not require excess effort from viewers to comprehend the message. 

When to use Animated Stick Figures? 

When you are trying to convey extremely complex concepts which need simplification, Animated Stick Figures could be the best choice. 

7. Animated infographics

Animated Infographics draw their roots from motion graphics and animated videos. It is heavily reliant on the information provided in the video. This means that you need to fill your video with statistics. This may include charts, graphics, facts and figures. 

These types of videos are highly useful for informing and educating your audiences. Thus, they play a part in triggering the logical side of your buyer’s psyche. 

When to use Animated Infographics? 

Use Animated Infographics when you have to convey a message through numbers. For instance, a report would be better summarised in the form of an Animated Infographics video. 

8. Cartoon animation

Cartoon animations are the most common and well-known style of animated videos. These types of videos rely on a sense of humour, a good background score and colourful depictions to convey the message. 

Cartoon Animations are highly effective in conveying your message and truly bringing the essence of the product to the table. Since there is enough emphasis on the design of the videos, it can help in raising brand recall. 

When to use Cartoon Animation? 

Cartoon Animations have a wide range of applications. It is ideal to create a video series for your products and services. It is a great option for a product launch. You can even introduce a brand mascot through Cartoon Animations. 

9. Flipbook Animation 

Flipbook Animations are an old-school style of animated video. It uses a series of hand-drawn images flipped in order to create a movement of characters in the images.

In modern times, digital flipbooks have made it easy for creators to use the technique while also making it visually compelling for the viewers. 

When to use Flipbook Animations?

If you are seeking an informal undertone in your videos with a personal touch, then flipbook animations are perfect. They not only retain user attention but carry a sense of raw depictions in creating an aesthetic appeal. 

10. Claymation 

When we talk about clay objects our perception leans towards a children’s play toy. However, these can even be an excellent form of visual depiction for your brand (yes, even for adults). 

Clay is the major compound used in production. These types of videos rely on the Stop-motion technique where many images are taken together and arranged in a sequence to create a visual effect. 

When to use Claymation?

This technique is an excellent choice when appealing to a younger target audience. But they can also be effective in providing your brand with a refreshing and informal touch, thus compelling your viewers to associate with the brand. 

11. 3D Animations 

Here comes one of the most stylistic forms of animation. It has become popular in the past decade. Often when you are unable to showcase the complexity of your product through 2D animation or Live-action videos, 3D animated explainer videos become instrumental. 

3D animations provide cross-sectional detailing while diving deep into the skeletal parts of a product or a machine. 3D software is used to create a realistic depiction of the product. The emphasis in these types of videos is on high-quality visuals. 

When to use 3D Animations?

When you want to explain the components of a machine or a technology, provide a walkthrough of your architectural design etc. The applications are truly endless when it comes to using 3D animations.

Learn more about 3D animation

12. Live-animated videos 

Live-animated videos are a combination of animated videos with a human element. Often, these two forces combine to create a powerful impact with a human touch. 

Live-animated videos truly provide the best of both worlds. You can build trust by introducing human elements while creating immersive and interactive visuals with the help of animations.

This could be in the form of motion graphics or through the introduction of characters or animated objects that float around the screen while a human explains its utility. 

Want to keep your videos down to live-action. We’ve got that covered too

When to use Live-animated videos?

Ideally, you would use Live-animated videos to explain products and services creatively with a human touch. These videos are extremely powerful in building consideration and compelling your customers to make a purchase. 

So, now you know about all the types of animated explainer videos – Which one do you think would help your business the most?

Want to learn about explainer videos?

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